Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Star of Wonder, Star of Light

This star and its shadows confronted me this evening when I got back home from work. I fished out my cell phone and took a couple of pictures. Then I went up to my apartment, brought my camera downstairs and took some more pictures. Then it turned out there's an event in NCR called Festive Photos and I'm hoping Jacquie will accept it even though the round-up is due any moment.

Season's Greetings!


  1. We had star like this infront of our home every year and we loved it. Nosalgia after seeing that pic. Hope you win.

  2. Win? There's a prize? It was all a big coincidence, you know. I didn't know of this event till now, couldn't see the announcement but managed to send the entry.

  3. Gorgeous Sra. Feels so festive. How have you been

  4. Is the designed reflecting on the ceiling ?

  5. Oh that red looks gorgeous. Happy Holidays.

  6. Lovely click Sra. What is the reflection above the star?

  7. Radhika, I'm well, thanks.
    Cham, yes, it's the design reflected on the ceiling.
    Pree, Vani, Sanjeeta, thanks! Sanjeeta, it's the light's reflection from the star making patterns on the ceiling

  8. Who is it for ? Mr. Claus ?

  9. I guess, or maybe it's just the festive spirit. It was in the foyer of our apt building, I don't even know who put it up there!

  10. the star is throwing such beautiful shadows... miss x-mas back in India... although the season is beautiful everywhere :)

  11. Sra,
    Beautiful pic to capture the warmth of festivity..glowing and shinning red ..wish you and yours a very lovely Christmas and Happy new year..hugs and smiles


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