Come October, and I will be the month's guest host for the Fourth Helping of Susan's My Legume Love Affair. I am expecting to be inundated with entries for this popular event, so don't disappoint me, please.
Legumes must feature as the central ingredient in your entry. It could be any kind, sweet or savoury. In Susan's words, all cultures and courses are welcome.
The prize on offer from Susan is Not Your Mother's Slow Cooker Cookbook. Those who aren't bloggers are also invited to send recipes/photos; you will be included in the round-up and drawing. Family and friends are not eligible for the prize. Neither Susan nor I have any connection to the author of the book or its publishers.
The Instructions
Please post a new recipe or a newly posted one from your archives, linking to this announcement, and to Susan's post here, with the following details to me [srablogATgmailDOTcom] by October 31. Please say 'MLLA Entry' in the Subject field.
Name and URL of Your Recipe Post
Location: Optional
Photo: Optional (400 X 300 or 300 X 400 depending on orientation. If your image is exactly square, fine tuning the dimensions to avoid distortion is encouraged while keeping in mind the general size requirement.)
Use of the logo above, designed by Susan, is optional.
I hope to post the round-up sometime during the first week of November. If I haven't acknowledged your entry either by mail or by comment in your blog, please check with me after three days to see if I've received it.
Now here's a recipe that makes use of legumes in a very creative way - this is an aunt's recipe and substitutes quite well for coconut or other nuts that come in handy when you want to make a gravy for meat or vegetables or paneer.
It uses green gram/mung dal sprouts as the base. I've used paneer to illustrate its use but my aunt uses it with chicken.
Green gram/mung dal sprouts: 2 cups
Curds/yoghurt: 1 cup
Green chilli: 1, chopped
Grind these three ingredients to a fine paste.
Onion: 1, minced
Tomato: 1, chopped fine
Green chilli: 1, slit/chopped
Oil: 2 tsp
Paneer/Indian cottage cheese: 200 gm or two big handfuls
Curds/yoghurt: 2 tsp
Ginger-garlic paste: 2 tsp
Red chilli powder: 1 tsp
Coriander powder: 1-2 tsp
Turmeric: 1/2 tsp
Salt: to taste
Coriander leaves, to garnish
Marinate paneer with the rest of the ingredients mentioned below it for 30 minutes.
In a pan, heat the oil. Saute the onion till it browns, add the chilli and fry it for a few seconds more.
Add the tomato and let it cook till it gets all soft - you can cover it and simmer it on a low flame.
Now add the paneer with its marinade, cover and let cook well - till the juices begin to dry up.
Now add the ground paste, mix it well and let it cook. It will begin to thicken very soon so keep adding a few teaspoons of water to let it achieve the consistency you like. The paste tends to smell a bit like batter initially so it's important to let it boil well.
Check for seasoning and remove from fire. Garnish with coriander leaves.
You can find the MLLA-Third Helping here, on Lucy's beautiful blog, Nourish Me.
My Legume Love Affair Fourth Helping Curds/Yoghurt Green gram/mung dal sprouts gravy My Legume Love Affair Fourth Helping Substitute for coconut-based gravy gravy Paneer